If you have been told that you have circulatory health problems like high blood pressure, varicosities, swollen lymph glands, heart palpitations or arrhythmia, Raynaud’s syndrome, or any other circulatory related health symptom, when our doctor tests and clears your Circulatory Zone (Zone 6), he is restoring normal nerve life and function to all of your circulation.
2. When our doctor restores normal nerve flow and function to all nerves to your Heart, there will be a change for the better and you will notice a feeling of Ease and Strength all over your body.
3. When the Blood Vessels of the Back, Arms, Chest, and Abdomen are being brought to normal by our doctor, Better Circulation will naturally result. Aches and pains in these parts will leave, and a feeling of Strength and Well Being will appear.
4. When our doctor restores normal nerve flow and function to the Blood Vessels and Lymph Vessels of the lower extremities, you will become aware of more Circulation in this area. You will not tire so easily, and in general will notice more Ease of Movement in your limbs.